Wednesday, 7 April 2010

PostHeaderIcon Seafood rice

1) Tumis 1 bwg besar + 5 garlics hingga layu
2) Add in chopped 1 lada kering, red and green capsicum and let them cook for a while
3) Add in rice and stir until the rice has fully absorbed the liquid (if any), then add in 1 glass of water
4) Add in lemon juice (from 1 whole lemon), 1 granule of fish stock (perisa ayam pon buleh), bit of zafran and 1 canned mussels (apa2 seafood)
5) Stir rice now and then and add more water is needed
6) When rice is bout to cook, add in chopped squids (koi guna sotong katak), cover the lid and let the rice and squids cook


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Aida Rezuan

Currently: In Huelva, Spain
Originally: From Mentakab, Malaysia

Chef wanna be / IT Freelancer / Novice Photographer / Traveler

"Be happy and we will find abundant of happiness coming to our path.."